Computer Forensic services offered by the Digital Forensics Consultancy include:
Advice; discussing potentially key areas of evidence at an early stage ensures that significant information is not overlooked or lost.
Acquisition; the process of making forensically sound copies of the digital evidence in such a way that further investigations cannot modify or affect the integrity of the original data.
Processing, Data Recovery and Carving; the recovery of information from 'live', deleted and 'unallocated' areas of a computer system to enable user information and other artefacts to be recovered.
Examination and Analysis; the detailed examination and filtering of the information recovered so that the user(s) activity and behavioural patterns can be determined.
Report Development; the simplification, explanation and summarising of large volumes of digital information, recovered as part of the computer forensic investigation, so that non-technical readers have a full understanding of the findings.
For further information about how the above computer forensic services could assist your investigation please visit the contact page.
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Phone (UK Local Rate): 03301330203
Email: CJSM/DCS (Case Lines): By request
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With 82% of adults in the UK having household Internet access (Ofcom Communications Market report 2014) and the number of Internet enabled devices increasing year on year, it is hardly surprising that 'computer' evidence has become a critical aspect of many investigations.
Data recovered from tablets (i.e. Apple iPads, Android and Windows devices), Apple computers (i.e. iMac, Mac Pro, MacBook devices) and Microsoft Windows computers can include Internet history artefacts (i.e. web browser history, bookmarks), communications data (i.e. Instant Messaging, email, video calls), data downloads (i.e. saved images, videos and applications) as well as many other indicators of behavioural patterns.
Increases in Internet download speeds and a decrease in the cost of digital storage (i.e. hard disks and USB memory sticks) has resulted in substantial increases in the volume of data that needs to be considered in a digital investigation. Although many excellent tools are available that are capable of recovering data from electronic devices, experience in examining, interpreting and reducing the vast quantity of data recovered, so that significant aspects are not overlooked, is a critical part of a successful investigation.
Phone (UK Local Rate): 0330 13 30203